Areas of Expertise

The Tennessee 

Tennessee Downtown program implemented in 2010 was designed to assist communities through the steps of launching sustainable downtown revitalization efforts. Participating in this program can be a path to becoming a Tennessee Main Street community. Six of these communities located in West Tennessee made the choice to transition into a permanent Tennessee Main Street program (Brownsville, Covington, Halls, McKenzie, Paris and Humboldt)

Laura Tetley Todd has served these 25 communities for the Tennessee Downtown program

Alamo| Arlington | Ashland City | Bell Buckle| Brownsville |Collinwood | Clifton |Covington| |Dickson| Dresden| Halls | Hohenwald | Humboldt| Huntingdon | Lexington | Loretto | Newbern |Manchester | Martin | Rossville | Somerville| Trenton | Waverly | Whiteville | Woodbury

*indicates communities mentored by Laura Todd Round 1-6

Round #6 –
Communities serviced by Laura Todd

Alamo | Bell Buckle | Dresden | Huntingdon |

Lexington | Trenton

Round #7 –
Communities serviced by Laura Todd

Collinwood| Covington | Halls

Somerville | Whiteville

Round #8 –
Communities serviced by Laura Todd

Loretto | Newbern | Rossville | Waverly

Round #9-
Communities serviced by Laura Todd

Adamsville | Camden | Gleason | McEwen |Munford