Laura Tetley Todd, pictured at center below, with Patrice Frey, President & CEO, NMSC, and Scott Rozanski, President of the Collierville Main Street Board, 2014:


Current consultant contract with the National Main Street program and the Tennessee Main Street program/Economic Community Development Department

Mentor to 23 Tennessee Downtown communities located in West to Middle Tennessee

Small Area Downtown Plan steering committee for the Town of Collierville- appointed by Mayor 2009-2010

Past Director of a Tennessee Main Street certified community

Serviced 12 Tennessee Main Street communities in strategic long-term planning for their respective downtown communities 2016-18 contract

Member of the Historic District Commission guideline committee 2002

Wayfinding signage focus group for Downtown Collierville

Review evaluation committee member for the Town of Collierville Historical Resource Survey project

Town of Collierville Historic District Commission (2010-2022)

Previous career as a licensed Mortgage Banker Underwriter-Single Family residential for various Financial Institutions. This experience assists in current infill development and grant projects.

Vice President of the Rural Heritage Trust of Southwest, Tennessee Board of Directors


National Main Street Conference

Tennessee Governor’s Conference

Regional Preservation Conference

Tennessee Preservation Trust Annual Conference

Mississippi Main Street Association-Facilitator
for annual Directors meeting

Strategic planning and technical services

Strategic planning and technical services provided to the following communities as a consultant to the National Main Street & Tennessee Main Street program FY 2016-18 :

Bolivar | Brownsville | Cleveland | Covington | Greeneville | Jackson | McKenzie | Murfreesboro | Paris | Rogersville | Savannah| Union City

Contract services (March- July 2021)provided to 20 Main Street communities for Economic focus of Recovery & Resiliency.

Tennessee Main Street Marketing and Business Development consultant services to 18 certified TMS communities FY 2019-20:

Bolivar | Brownsville | Collierville | Columbia | Cleveland | Cookeville | | Dyersburg | Franklin | Gallatin | Humboldt | Mt. Pleasant | McKenzie | Morristown | Murfreesboro | Paris | Ripley | Savannah | Union City

TN Main Street Board training offered as contract services thru National Main Street Center and TMS to the communities of Halls, Humboldt, Lewisburg, McKenzie, Murfreesboro, Mount Pleasant and Clifton.
